What percentage of lens use throughout my photo career.
I’ve been doing a lot of database work over the past few weeks, executing a huge review and clean up of the 100,000 files in my Lightroom Database. This has included doing a spell check on all metadata, properly tagging images, doing a complete cloud-based backup of my RAW files, and overall file organization. It is a huge process, but one that results in a leaner, cleaner, and very useful database.
I thought it would be an interesting exercise to see what lenses I have used the most over my career. I was not really surprised at the results, but it is interesting to see graphically. The 24-70mm and 28-70 lens use results are largely from my days of commercial assignment work, which I do very little of today. I have used a few other lenses that I did not list, since they are below the 1% mark.
The 24-105mm comes in with the most use, what’s your most used lens?