Under the spell.
I’ve been working away on some updates for the eBook I wrote on How to Photograph the Northern Lights. I just released the third version, which jumped from 280 to 319 pages. It is no small task keeping up to date on all the latest models and versions of cameras and lenses, and quite frankly, it is beyond the scope of my interest to test everyone of them for the specific nuances of northern lights photography. However, there have been some significant strides worth noting in camera development. Besides the continually-evolving DSLR candidates, mirrorless cameras have come on strong recently. Some of these smaller cameras sport a full frame sensor and exhibit excellent high ISO capability. In light of this, the Chapter on Camera gear has received a heavy and update. Other updates include a detailed table of contents with hot link navigation for the iPad version; 30 new pages of content; updated graphics; added photos; expanded “working in the dark” section; added aurora resource links; updated aurora apps; minor updates to other chapters; added quick reference to major charts and diagrams at the end of the book. Below are a few screen shots from the eBook.

Mirrorless cameras

Proper headlamp etiquette is vital when photographing in a group.

A few tips for working in the dark.
If you purchased a previous version, I’m offering the upgrade to version 3 for free for the next week. You should get an email from me in a few days with a link to download the file.
If you are first time purchaser, you can get the eBook as a PDF or for your iPad at: How to Photograph the Northern Lights.