Alaska’s fascinating wild creatures

The Great Gray Owl

Great Gray owl in Black spruce trees.Canon 1ds Mark III, 500mm f4L IS with 1.4x converter, 1/500 @ f6.3, 400 ISO It finally happened. While driving along the Richardson highway after a photo assignment, I glanced to my right and saw this owl perched along the roadside spruce trees. It was hunting for voles in…

Ruffed grouse

Ruffed grouse in Quaking aspen tree, Fairbanks, AlaskaCanon 1Ds Mark III, 500mm f4.0L IS with 2x extender (1000mm), 1/400 sec @ f8.0, ISO 640 While working in my office one day I glanced out the window and saw wings fluttering in the surrounding Aspen trees. It turned out to be a Ruffed grouse, feeding in…

Grizzly Opportunities

Over the years, I’ve photographed–or tried to photograph–many bears. The brown and grizzly bear are technically declared the same species, but they vary in appearance based on their dietary distinctives. You can learn more about the bears and access photos on my website from this page “Alaska bear photos“. Interior bears, or grizzlies, are generally…