The Last Train to Nowhere, derelict steam engine, remnant of the Council City and Solomon River Railroad was abandoned on the tundra near Nome in 1907 when construction was stopped on a railroad. I took this picture almost exactly this time a few years ago. I’m excited about returning to the Seward Peninsula.
I planned a trip to Nome many months ago and have been working on some details to refine the exact locations that I’ll visit. I’ve been there a few times, in different seasons, and the Seward Peninsula is a remarkably diverse place. If everything works out according to some loosely held plans, I’ll trek about 80 miles on foot in about a week’s time and hopefully enjoy a big pizza in the town of Nome when that is all over. My pack weighs in at a base rate of about 25lbs with 11lbs of food and 9lbs of camera gear, the total coming in at about 45lbs, without water. That includes a camera and three lenses, along with a tripod and all the necessary camping gear.
Planning for back country trips, in places where you need everything on your back in a self sufficient manner, gets easier with each successive trip but it is still a methodical and time consuming task–you just can’t afford to forget anything. Food is a big part of the packing process and the calorie load needs to be sufficient especially when you are covering a lot of ground. I estimate to burn about 3-4000 calories a day, which begs a general questions…
How much food do you eat in one week?
I’ve got 10.9 pounds in my backpack, which is mainly dehydrated food, and that should give just enough fuel for the journey ahead. It will be collectively less calories than I’ll burn, but it should do.
Autumn is clearly present in Fairbanks, Alaska right now. The trees are turning gold, the mornings are crisp, and the northern lights are visible in the dark sky in the wee hours of the morning. It is painful to think of leaving Fairbanks now since it is absolutely beautiful. But it is beautiful in many places of Alaska at this time of year. I hope to return just in time for the Equinox marathon tradition on September 20, which is the real closure to one season, and the inauguration of another one. It will be a bitter sweet departure, but it marks the last big camping and hiking trip of the season. And, the last solo one.
I’ll have some pics to share upon my return around September 19th.