Segway riders in Fairbanks, Alaska. Canon 5D Mark II 16-35mm f/2.8L, 1/250 sec., @ f/14, ISO 200
There is a new mode of travel available in Fairbanks this summer. Although populous in other locations around the nation, the magically balanced Segway can now be rented for a tour around town. On a photo shoot for www.EcoSegAlaska.com, I had a chance to not only photograph them, but ride one as well. Virtually silent, amazingly easy to ride, it makes a great way to get around. You can check the details out on their website, which will be updated with local photos as soon as I can get them processed. I used the 5D II for the shoot since it is lighter and I had it thrown over my shoulder while riding. I do have the perfect harness for this kind of job, but I did not have it with me. It’s made by Kinesis. I also used the 16-35mm lens the most which enabled me to vary my perspective and include the setting for a sense of context. If you are in town, you are likely to see these machines on the go.